
Organisational skills come to the fore

Last Updated : 25 February 2014, 13:12 IST
Last Updated : 25 February 2014, 13:12 IST

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An inter-collegiate commerce fest, Akaraaste, was organised by the department of commerce and management studies of Vijaya College recently.

The theme for this fest was love and the tag line
said Sadrusha Srujisuva Satvada Sulalithathe, which meant ‘Love Makes
Life Beautiful’.

This fest was based on the different forms of love one experiences,
including the love and support an individual needs from various departments of an organisation to grow.

To portray these emotions, the college was decorated in red and white on all the three days. The fest included various events like ‘Best Manager’, ‘Brand Initiative’, ‘Business Quiz’, ‘Entrepreneurship Development’, ‘Human Resource’, ‘Ice Breaker’, ‘Marketing’, ‘Mock Stock’ and ‘Treasure Hunt’.

It saw the participation of 400 students from 18 college across the City. Most of the rounds in the events were spread across three days and the participants as well as the host college students found it a really enjoyable and creative experience.

Anushree from Vijaya Evening College, who took part in the ‘Brand Initiative’ event, said that she liked how each event consisted of different rounds and the variety in them. “The rounds consisted of identifying company logos, relaunching a product and marketing of the same. All of them were really interesting. The instructions for each event was provided properly,” she said. Anushree added that the feedback from the judges was the best part.

Most participants vouch that it was a well-organised fest. “The host college students knew clearly who was doing what, and there were volunteers for everything. The fest was carried out in an impressive manner,” said Shristi Roy, a student of Christ University.

Shristi, who participated in the Human Resources event, said that it was
challenging to do the interviews of the candidates and shortlist them.

“Skills like how to communicate with employees, overcome language barriers in interviews etc, were tested,” she said. Students like Nikhil Rathod from School of Commerce and Management Studies, Jain University said that unlike many other fests, there was no barriers in the fests. “Every event was at a different level compared to what is seen in most other fests and explored different angles. Also, a very realistic scenario of the corporate world was showcased through the different rounds,” said Nikhil.

What was unique about the fest was that there was not much tension about the rounds. “At most commerce fests, there is an air of tension around the different rounds, which was not found here. Instead, they concentrated on making the events more unique and competitive,” said Kevin Shaji George from Kristu Jayanti College.

Behind every successful event is a lot of effort by the organisers. “Organising everything — from the sponsors to each and every detail of the event — was a challenge. Also, we had to do all this after college hours and balancing everything was a task,” said Rakesh Mahadimane, one of the organisers.

Published 25 February 2014, 13:12 IST

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