
Comed-K's firm 'no'

Last Updated : 20 November 2011, 17:11 IST
Last Updated : 20 November 2011, 17:11 IST

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“Why should we accept a single CET? Has anyone found any lacunae in the common entrance test being conducted by Comed-K? Why should the government interfere when there are no problems?” M R Jayaram, Comed-K chairperson sought know, while speaking to Deccan Herald.

Jayaram said the State government should make its stand clear so that private institutions could take a decision.  He said all states do not stand on a equal footing in terms of syllabus.
“Can a student in Mandya compete with a Delhi student who is in the CBSE stream? There are good and bad colleges. If the government finds us committing crime, let it punish us. But, I fail to understand why it should interfere in the education sector when it is allowing investment in all other sectors.”

To a query whether the Comed-K will approach court questioning the NEET, Jayaram said it would if the State accepts the system.

“We do not want to surrender our rights to government. Many private colleges are providing quality education and helping the student community. We maintain a transparent system. We publish the merit list. The government so far has not called us to discuss the new MCI rules.”

Published 20 November 2011, 17:11 IST

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