Bengaluru: In the wake of the series of disasters in the Western Ghats of Karnataka and Kerala, the Forest Department has called for zonal regulation and master plan for areas in the Western Ghats to reduce impact of land use change on the hill stability and proposed a temporary suspension of land conversion.
In a note, Forest, Ecology and Environment Minister Eshwar B Khandre directed the Additional Chief Secretary of the department to begin consultation with different departments involved in land use governance and prepare a proposal to the government.
The move comes days after Centre issued the sixth draft notification for Western Ghats Eco Sensitive Area, as the states have refused to notify the previous drafts. The minister noted that Himachal Pradesh, which also witnessed landslides, has introduced separate rules for the land use change and construction in fragile areas.
He said landslides in Kodagu have found that human activities, from encroachment to development activities, were the probable reasons for the disasters, where lives are lost and properties are damaged.
Khandre said experts have opined that all land conversion proposals in the Western Ghats should be suspended till a zonal regulation and master plan on land use change is prepared. Till then, exemptions can be made for projects of immediate importance and public use.
Since preparing such rules involve coordination with the departments of Revenue, Urban Development, Town and Country Planning, and the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Khandre asked the department to begin the consultation process and submit a proposal in this regard.
Published 16 August 2024, 15:45 IST