Mangaluru: In compliance with the Karnataka High Court's order, and to curb unauthorised construction and violations of sanctioned building plans, the Mangaluru City Corporation has come out with MCC Building License Management System (BLMS) application. The app was launched by Mayor Sudheer Shetty Kannur on Monday.
Speaking on the occasion, he said the MCC has come out with a comprehensive strategy to effectively monitor construction activities and ensure adherence to approved plans.
The app has been designed to monitor the building construction stages and prevent violations of sanctioned building plans, unauthorised constructions, and breaches of permissions granted for constructions. It will help in verifying whether buildings are constructed in accordance with the approved documents and identifying any violations during the construction phase.
The system will support the enforcement of regulations, ultimately leading to the proper issuance of building occupancy certificates, he added.
According to the Mayor, all relevant files and building license documents will be securely stored in an online database, allowing easy access for both applicants and administrative staff and officials at MCC.
MCC Commissioner Anand C L said that there are 12,000 violation cases in the MCC limits. An average of 1,000 building license applications are received by the Corporation annually and same number of completion certificates are issued.
He said the software will monitor construction activities at key stages like excavation, plinth, slab, and completion using the MCC BLMS mobile app. The app will be available on the Google Play Store, enabling the public download and install easily. Using the app, building owners / applicants can easily submit their applications for occupancy certificates.
The app provides the ability to update the status of important construction stages, which will trigger notifications to engineers for site inspections. Site inspections, conducted by Junior Engineers (JE) or other officials, use the app to verify the building details and submit verification photos and remarks.
Administrative access will be provided to ATPO, JD and Commissioners to oversee and approve different construction stages. Final approval will be based on inspection photos and remarks, with E signature authorisation by the commissioner. The app allows applicants to digitally download their building occupancy certificates, enhancing transparency and minimising the need for in-person visit to the MCC office, said the commissioner.