
Misery knows no end here

Private bus stand in Chnagar lack basic facilities
Last Updated : 12 September 2010, 16:27 IST

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As the people continue to curse the elected representatives and successive governments for neglecting the Chamarajnagar city, the private bus stand is in a pathetic state. The stand which is alongside the district stadium is bereft of toilets and does not have clean drinking water facility.

Moreover, the entire premises of the bus stand is filled with filth and discarded items scattered all over the roads that are bad enough, already.

Thousands of commuters use the private bus stand on the daily basis. Though, authorities relocated the bus stand from its earlier place to Dr Abmedkar grounds with an assurance to provide basic facilities and good roads, the place stinks since there is no sense of sanitation.

The number buses and the trips they make in and out of bus stand have increased manifold, owing to the increase in population.

But, due to lack of  cleanliness, the stand has a foetid smell with filthy surroundings adding to the already existing scum on top of stagnant water, collected in potholes all over the place.

It’s an eyesore to see the pothole ridden parking stand and the roads leading inside and out of the stand.

Competition is close between people and shopkeepers as former choose to urinate in open areas and all over the premises of bus stand, the waste water released from the commercial shops with plastic covers sailing over them have made the place more dirty. The passengers suffer as municipality has not bothered to make any efforts to keep the bus stand clean.

The commuters say weeds have grown thick on the pathway to the bus stand and surroundings, and it sure presents a scary picture.

They demand that the elected representatives act immediately and get the stand cleaned up on priority.

Published 12 September 2010, 16:23 IST

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