
Parents rally behind principals

Two heads decide not to quit Bishop Cotton schools
Last Updated : 27 March 2010, 16:53 IST

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“We are with you, please don’t quit,” the parents, who voluntarily gathered at the Bishop Cotton Boys’ School in large numbers, requested Col John Ellis, Principal of Bishop Cotton Boys’ School and Princess Franklin, Principal of Bishop Cotton Girls’ School.

Unable to bear the interference by the Board of Management in the day-to-day affairs of the schools, the two principals had threatened to quit a few days ago. Ever since the news broke out there has been a flood of requests from parents, old Cottonians and others to the Principals not to quit.

Parent after parent, who spoke on the occasion, recalled the value Col John and Franklin added to these institutions and said, “Atmosphere in these great institutions should not be allowed to spoil because of some corrupt elements.”

Some parents even brought to fore the capitation fee the management representatives had been collecting from gullible parents.

“It is not enough if we make a good garden. We have to continuously keep the weeds out,” said one of the parents.

Responding to the overwhelming support, both the principals agreed not to go ahead with their decision to quit.

“We always tell our students not to give up in conditions of adversity. But, pushed against the wall, we had decided to give up our fight. Now that you have come in support of us, we will continue our fight in the interest of the institution,” Col John said.

Management interference

Princess Franklin briefly mentioned about the interference by the management in the affairs of the schools.

“We are not even allowed to distribute books to the students in time. For each and everything we have to seek the approval of the management. The busy school schedule does not permit this. We cut a sorry figure before the students and parents,” she added.
Parents and old Cottonians have decided to appeal to the Church of South India Board. Ramesh, Infosys employee, whose ward is in BCBS said, “We as parents do not want the matter to take a political hue. In the interest and welfare of the children, there should be an amicable solution. A forum comprising of parents and old cottonians should be formed, which would facilitate meeting between the parents and the school authorities, once in every three months.”

Chandan, a college student and old Cottanian, said that it was sad that the old Cottonians were not involved in the issues.

“The interference in administration is not the only problem. Students face several other issues too, which need to be highlighted,” he added.

Meet on April 3

To discuss the future course of action, the parents and old Cottonians have decided to meet at the Rotary House of Friendship, Lavelle Road, on April 3.

Published 27 March 2010, 16:44 IST

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