Chennai: Tamil Nadu Police’s Idol Wing has arrested seven persons for allegedly trying to sell an antique metal idol of Lord Perumal (Balaji) worth Rs 2 crore in the international market. The idol, believed to belong to the 15th century or 16th century, was found while digging the Thozhuvur river 12 years ago and was hidden in the cattle shed belonging to one of the arrested persons.
Based on a tip-off, the Idol Wing police intercepted a car on the Thanjavur-Tiruchirapalli National Highway on August 8. They found a 2.5-feet tall idol of Lord Perumal which was concealed. Initial investigation revealed that the car's five occupants and two others had planned to sell the idol in the international market for Rs 2 crore.
The arrested have been identified as Rajendran, Rajkumar, Dinesh, Jaisankar, Vijay, Harris, and Ajith Kumar. Police said Dinesh confessed during interrogation that his father found the idol while digging the river 12 years ago and didn’t inform the Tahsildar or the Village Administrative Officer (VAO) regarding this.
“Dinesh’s father hid the statue in his cattle shed. After his father’s death, Dinesh decided to sell the idol and roped in six others,” a senior police officer said. Harris and Ajith Kumar were escorting the car in their two-wheelers, the police said.
A case was registered under various sections of the BNSS and BNS following which the seven accused have been remanded to judicial custody.
“Preliminary investigation revealed that the idol belongs to the 15th to 16th century. This idol could have been made during the period of the Cholas. We also suspect that this idol could have been stolen from a temple in Tamil Nadu,” the officer added.
The incident comes close on the heels of the Idol Wing recovering six antique idols of various Hindu deities worth Rs 22 crore, which were being transported from Mayiladuthurai to Chennai to be smuggled to foreign countries.
Such idols, all made of metal are in demand abroad with many people spending a premium to buy them. Idol lovers and rich people spend crores to buy them to adorn their living rooms and bedrooms.
Since 2019, the Idol Wing has recovered over 350 idols stolen from various temples in the state. The year 2022 tops the list with over 160 idols being recovered. The Idol Wing goes through several documents and consults experts to ensure that the stolen idols match with those found in auction houses or private collections across the globe.