Chennai: The State Platform for Common School System-Tamil Nadu (SPCSS-TN) on Wednesday urged the Tamil Nadu government to stop 'Remembrance of the Horrors of Partition' events in schools.
The Governor's Secretary R Kirlosh Kumar has written to TN Schools Nursery, Primary, Matric, CBSE & ICSE Association advising it to observe "Partition Horrors Remembrance Day," general secretary, SPCSS-TN, PB Prince Gajendra Babu said in a memorandum to the Chief Secretary, Shiv Das Meena.
Involving children in the partition related programme will psychologically affect them and sow seeds of hatred, he contended in his petition.
The secretary, an IAS officer, writing to the association is not in 'accordance with rule of law' and the Governor's Secretariat should be asked to 'withdraw the letter' and the association should be asked 'not to proceed further' based on the letter.
"SPCSS-TN appeals to the Government of Tamil Nadu to immediately take action to stop such activities in schools today (August 14, 2024) and in future."
SPCSS-TN is a body of educationists and educational activists following socialist principles.
Published 14 August 2024, 09:05 IST