In a shocking incident that has rocked the city of Kolkata, a woman post-graduate trainee doctor hailing from a prominent government-run state hospital was murdered and allegedly sexually assaulted in the wee hours of Friday, August 9. The heinous crime took place inside the seminar hall of the hospital in question.
After widespread protests demanding justice and calls for a swift investigation into the matter spread across the country, Kolkata police nabbed a man called Sanjoy Roy for the alleged rape and murder of the trainee doctor, who was a second-year post-graduate student of the chest medicine department of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital.
According to a report by NDTV, a pair of Bluetooth earphones served as a major piece of clue which ultimately led to the arrest of the accused. Roy had purportedly left his earphones near the scene of the crime, which might act as the primary piece of evidence against him. CCTV footage of the hospital later accessed by the police also revealed that Roy was present at the spot during the time of the incident.
Additional tangible proof has also been gathered from the location.
The accused has reportedly claimed to be a civic volunteer, which, however, was not confirmed by Kolkata Police Commissioner Vineet Goyal.
"Whatever he may be, he is a criminal as he committed such a heinous crime. He deserves punishment of the highest order. Evidence against him has been collected," Goyal said.
"We are extremely sad and angered because of the incident.. We are following a transparent investigation process. If there is any demand from the family for a probe by some other agency, we have no problem", he added.
Meanwhile, the Federation of Resident Doctors Association (FORDA) on Sunday has declared that the elective services across all hospitals in India shall be suspended starting from Monday, August 12, as a mark of protest against the appalling incident.
Published 11 August 2024, 10:38 IST