The West Bengal government has formed a special investigation team (SIT) to probe into alleged financial irregularities at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, where the body of a postgraduate trainee doctor was found earlier this month, according to a notification.
Credit: Special Arrangement
The four-member SIT will be headed by Swami Vivekananda State Police Academy IG Dr Pranav Kumar.
According to the notification issued by the West Bengal Home Department on August 16, the SIT will have the liberty to access any relevant document from government departments and private agencies, which would be required for its investigation.
"I am directed hereby to constitute a special investigation team (SIT) to conduct enquiry and investigation into the allegations of financial irregularities in R G Kar Medical College and Hospital during the period between January 2021 till date," the notification signed by a special secretary said.
The SIT has been asked to submit its report within one month.
During the investigation, Kumar will be assisted by DIG Murshidabad Range Waquar Reza, DIG state CID Soma Das Mitra and Kolkata Police DC Central Indira Mukherjee.
The SIT was formed at a time when the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is conducting its probe into the alleged rape and murder of the trainee doctor.
The postgraduate trainee doctor was allegedly raped and murdered while on duty at the state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital on August 9.
Amid outrage over the incident, medics across the country have been protesting, seeking justice for the victim and legislation for better security at workplaces.
Published 19 August 2024, 18:26 IST