In a message to mark the International Day of Yoga, Sadhguru, Founder of Isha Foundation, called on humanity to embrace Yoga, "the technology of self-transformation" and "become joyful, wonderful and impactful human beings in this world."
Isha usually observes International Day of Yoga with worldwide day-long programs. This year, however, with the global run of the COVID-19 pandemic, no programs with gatherings have been scheduled anywhere. Instead, Isha has been releasing several videos online since the lockdown that offer simple yogic practices that are said to have a profound impact on the human system.
“Right now, a whole lot of studies are saying that during this moment of pandemic and post this pandemic situation, one of the biggest challenges will be the psychological crisis that human beings will face. Well, when a problem is thrown at us, we should not become a problem. This is very very important. The simple yogic processes that we are offering you for this International Yoga Day has the power to liberate you from this and also enhance your immune system in a significant way. There are enough studies to show this,” said Sadhguru.
He called on people to not only adopt the practices but to teach the practices to others around them as well. “I would like every one of you to experience this - not only experience this, be instruments of offering this to a large number of people.”
Since the nationwide lockdown was announced, Sadhguru has been urging people to use the time to enhance their physical fitness, mental health, emotional balance and professional competence by 10 per cent to adapt to an as yet unknown post-pandemic world.
“Whenever there is an external crisis in their lives whether on the personal sphere or in the society in the nation or in the world, most human beings create an emotional and a psychological crisis within themselves. When life around us goes into a crisis mode, it is most important that we as human beings function at our best – our physical self, our intellect, our emotional balance – everything should be at its best. Our innate wisdom must function now because now there is a crisis outside, you cannot afford to create a crisis within you,” he said asserting that Yoga offers the technology to achieve such stability.
“It is beyond religion, it is beyond your philosophies and ideologies. It is the technology for self-transformation," he added.