Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday accused the Nehru-Gandhi family of being ''involved'' in the AugustaWestland deal.
He said that the grand old party was now ''scared'' that it would be ''exposed'' by Christen Michel.
''Congress is scared as the truth is now coming out... Its leaders are trying to put up a brave face but the fact is that the Gandhi family is involved in the chopper deal,'' Adityanath told reporters in Lucknow.
He said that the country would have been much stronger had the Congress not indulged in corruption in the defence deals.
''Congress has played with the security of the country... India's image has taken a beating in the world.... Rahul Gandhi should apologise to the people,'' he said.
Facing flak over the lynching of a police constable in Ghazipur district on Saturday, the chief minister said that the guilty would not be spared.
Published 31 December 2018, 13:30 IST