Means and ends 

Means and ends 

Imagine if, as earthlings, all of us lived with the consciousness of one and the same identity: that of being human, shaped by the same knowledge. Then, wouldn’t we find ourselves ‘nothing’ and ‘eternal’ both at the same moment?

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Last Updated : 16 April 2024, 01:43 IST

As consciousness or conscious-beings, we humans are inseparably both the means and the ends; we are simultaneously nothing and eternal. But something is stopping us from manifesting that truth.

The problem with us human beings is that we hardly ever see the truth which we ourselves are. The truth which keep staring at us in the face all the times.

But, we instead stay soiled in beliefs or cocooned in our dreams or reveries. Hardly daring to look at the truth that we ourselves essentially are. 

Among us all, someone’s world view extends to the limits of observable or cognizable universe while someone else’s may be little more than that. But, when seen from the eternity, are not all of these minuscule views only? Yet, we stay so overwhelmed by our respective ‘visions’ that we want the whole world to ‘see’ and realise these dreams/visions considering and acknowledging these as their own dreams. Huge egos are created in this process of competing world-views and, many keep suffering due to that. Aren’t nation states and religions universal examples of the ‘visions’ falling in this category? 

Imagine if, as earthlings, all of us lived with the consciousness of one and the same identity: that of being human, shaped by the same knowledge. Then, wouldn’t we find ourselves ‘nothing’ and ‘eternal’ both at the same moment? 

Just contemplate rationally and logically, through the lens of wisdom, any moment within this entire duration that is available to you as a human being. Through this, you will see the truth of your existence - simultaneously nothingness and eternity. Such is the nature of innocence, evenness and justice inherent within all of us asconsciousness/awareness/awakening.

We are nothing as, what or who we all consider ourselves individually as –“I” that is perishable. And, we all know this individually, don’t we?  Does anyone of us have any doubt about (our) being perishable?

And, we are eternal as well. As that is the most apt definition of word ‘are’ or ‘is’. When seen in pure mind intuitively; through rational thinking; in impression-free intelligence/reasoning: or experienced in meditative state/wisdom/ transcendence. 

Now, when this wisdom is comprehensible to all the sentient beings same way then what prevents us from placing this in school syllabi across the globe? If children imbibe this from the early age as the primary sentiment all across the global humanity that at the zenith of reasoning they as consciousness are essentially immortal beings, wouldn’t it help them stay focussed and disciplined and truthful? Question you should ask is then who/what is stopping us in manifesting the truth? 


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