Today's Horoscope – May 26, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 25 May 2024, 18:31 IST
You know that change is in the air, but you're not quite sure how to deal with it. Communication is the key to making what's occurring work in your favour. Watch out for petty, jealous people who may try to sabotage your good work or try to put you down. Colour: Coral; Number: 8
Your friendship circle seems to be splitting and it is hard for you to know which side you should take. Today's events offer you the chance to remain neutral. Throat infections and allergies indicated. Avoid compromising situations at work. Colour: Green; Number: 4
You are forcing issues which, deep down inside, should be better left to unravel on its own. Use today to think things through. Mercury pushes you to take gambles you would usually shy away from. Watch out for quarrelsome people and avoid arguing as it's just a waste of precious energy. Colour: Maroon; Number: 6
A younger sibling could demand time and attention. Much is happening in the career front — watch out for that office sneak. The stress you've been under starts to lift as a close one gives in. Get rid of what and who is no longer working in your life. Colour: Chrome; Number: 3
Time spent at the work spot brings you money as well as much happiness today. Travel could bring romance. This is an excellent time for working on confidence issues, your personal mojo needs a makeover. Colour: Mustard; Number: 5
A difficult friend or colleague will thaw soon. A romantic partner can be demanding and aggressive. Health needs care. Be more objective rather than being emotional when dealing with colleagues today. Colour: Magenta; Number: 9
Start a health regime today, as you have been highly stressed and overworked recently. Profitable phase from a financial standpoint. Means to increase your income will arise and new investments will be profitable. Colour: Apple-red; Number: 7
Secret information will be an eye-opener today! A detractor in the guise of a friend is damaging your reputation. A new avenue is opening up at work which will provide the base for much pleasure in the future. Colour: Ivory; Number: 1
Use your inventiveness to find solutions. You can make new connections if you play your cards right. You tend to blow situations out of proportion. Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Colour: Coffee; Number: 2
Your emotions are causing you confusion. It is time to communicate and put things in perspective. It is the time to believe in yourself, make choices and take appropriate action. A dominating woman will need to be tackled diplomatically. Colour: Grey; Number: 8
You are erratic and your mood swings may make you feel isolated. Time to throw a party! Inheritance, trusts and real estate bring in money for you. Expect celebrations and a reunion with old friends. Colour: Peach; Number: 5
Romance and all pleasurable leisure activities seem a long time ago for you. A good time to take a break, unwind and take a firm stand in matters of the heart. Spend some time in contemplation or meditation. Colour: Maroon; Number: 3