
Why you should be consistent with your yoga practice 

Make yoga a habit; these tips will motivate you to get going
Last Updated : 04 August 2022, 16:28 IST

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Yoga is probably one of the most holistic forms of mental and physical workouts. It encompasses numerous asanas for physical and psychological health benefits. The more consistently you get on the yoga mat, the better results you will experience.

In the wake of the pandemic, it has become even more important to focus on achieving greater physical strength and flexibility, superior mobility, posture correction, and lower stress levels. Everyone wants to live in a joyful state of mind and body; that is what yoga helps achieve in the long run.

In his bestselling book, "Atomic Habits," James Clear mentions how doing things consistently leads to forming habits. According to him, it takes roughly 21-22 days to get into a routine, and once something is done repeatedly over time, our body becomes habituated to it.

So, if you practice yoga regularly, it will become a habit. You won't need to be told about the importance of it and the right way of doing the poses, as your brain will memorize them.

However, forming habits and integrating something new into a routine isn't easy. Here are some tips that can help you improve your practice.

Love the experience

It is natural to lose the way when one focuses too much on the result, not the journey. You might be taking up yoga to lose weight or achieve mental peace, but the key lies in enjoying the experience you get each time you step onto the mat. Yoga would become something you would look forward to each day when you start loving it.

Your style, your pace

Not everyone can do every yoga pose, definitely not at the outset. Let your instructor know what you enjoy doing and whatever is not appealing to you. You don't need to rush. Know your pace and comfort zone and slowly push on to the next level positively.

Prioritize yoga

Don't look at your yoga sessions as optional. Tell yourself that this is essential for good health and quality of life. You don't skip work, food, or sleep; therefore, you should not miss this either. Once you prioritize yoga, you will find more reasons to be consistent with the practice.

You don't have to do it perfectly, but keep doing it until perfect becomes effortless!

Find your buddies

Sometimes, there is a lack of motivation when there is nobody to give company. With millions of people practising nowadays, finding a yoga buddy or community to practice alone won't be much of a challenge. There is always strength in numbers, and you can motivate each other too.


Don't go for the same exercises each day if it makes you feel bored. There is so much to do in yoga that you won't have a problem finding different postures for different days to mix things up.

Take up a challenge

You can join an online yoga workshop or a challenge which requires you to practice routinely. The motivation to perform better and get fitter will eventually lead to a habit that would take you back to the yoga mat every day without much effort.

Note: Sometimes, minor things such as a slippery mat and uncomfortable apparel can mar the experience. Choose comfortable clothing and a mat that doesn't make you struggle.

(Arunima Singhdeo is a yoga expert)

Published 04 August 2022, 16:13 IST

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