
Gas cylinder explosion in tense Abu Dhabi causes panic

The UAE, a safe business and tourism hub, has been on edge in recent weeks due to missile and drone strikes by the Houthi movement in Yemen
Last Updated : 09 February 2022, 09:45 IST
Last Updated : 09 February 2022, 09:45 IST

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An explosion, blamed on a faulty gas cylinder, in a building in the United Arab Emirates capital of Abu Dhabi caused panic on Wednesday, with the US Embassy initially suspecting a possible missile strike.

The UAE, which prizes its reputation as a safe business and tourism hub, has been on edge in recent weeks after several missile and drone strikes blamed on the Houthi movement in Yemen.

Abu Dhabi civil defence said it received a report of a fire at 1.39 am caused by a gas cylinder explosion in a building in a central residential area. It said there were no casualties, and asked the public to follow only official news sources and avoid spreading rumours.

"Specialised teams extinguished the fire, evacuated the building as a precaution and controlled the situation," the civil defence authority said in a statement on state media.

Earlier, the US Embassy had issued a warning of "reports of a possible missile or drone strike". A US Embassy spokesperson later told Reuters the warning was issued against the backdrop of recent security incidents, and thanked Abu Dhabi's emergency workers for containing the fire quickly.

Yemen's Houthis issued no claim for an attack on Wednesday. The movement, battling a Saudi-led coalition that includes the UAE, has claimed three attacks on the UAE since the start of this year, killing three people. A fourth attack, involving drones that the UAE said were intercepted, was claimed by a separate, little-known group.

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Published 09 February 2022, 09:45 IST

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