
Czech gal gains expertise in geo-politics

Last Updated : 12 August 2011, 15:22 IST
Last Updated : 12 August 2011, 15:22 IST

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A country with irregular terrain and climate, the western part of the country was located in north central European uplands and the eastern region was composed of northern reaches of Carpathian Mountains and basin lands adjacent to River Danube.
The climate of Czechoslovakia is highly influenced by the weather of Western and Eastern Europe, besides Western part of erstwhile USSR.

The roots of Czech nationalism go back to 19th century, when philologists and educators promoted Czech language and pumped pride in the Czech people. Nationalism became a mass movement in the later half of the 19th century. In the backdrop of the lack of opportunities available to take part in the political activities under Austrian rule, Czech leaders founded many patriotic and self help organisations. This provided a chance to Czech public to participate in the communal life prior to independence.

Czechoslovakia’s main cultural achievements took place during the middle ages and after 18th century. The 14th century laid the foundation for a style of national painting. However, the control by Germans resulted in the suppression of art and music. The 19th century witnessed a revival and further development of painting, art, sculpture and music. The 1960s saw a return of Czechoslovakian films that won acclaim in the west.

Germanic, Jewish and Czech cultures were combined through history into what is now Czech Republic and Slovakia. The affluent diverse culture with distinctive art, music and literature is the nerve of the ethnicities marking the existence of Czech and Slovakian Republics.

Zuzana Zwiebel Magdova from Metropolitan University Prague is in Manipal to do her masters in International Relations in the department of Geo-Politics. She is before the readers of City Herald revealing the stories of her experiences in India. Excerpts of the interview…

What made you to come to India to do your masters?   

I have done my engineering degree in Slovakia. I was born in Czech Republic and I was brought up in Slovakia and at present I am the citizen of Slovakia. After finishing my engineering degree, I opted for tourism and economy and I got another degree in these areas. Later, I ventured into professional life and I took up jobs at Greece, Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka and Maldives.

It is in this juncture that I felt the need to study again. I wanted to pursue education in Asian and International studies. My University has exchange programme with Manipal University and I came here to do my final year of master’s degree.

How do you find the cost of education here when compared to Czech and Slovakian Republic?      

It is damn cheap. Even when you compare Srilanka in terms of educational expenses and living cost, India is definitely cheaper.

Which are other places you have travelled in India?

I love to travel a lot. I would like to explore things and India has provided more stuff. Rajasthan, Kerala and Bangalore are some of the places I travelled across India.

Tell us something about your experiences in India? I have been involved in South Asian culture for some time now. I have lived in different cultures. Even then, I had a cultural shock here. It is totally different environment. India is a package of culture. The rush in the streets is amazing and you feel million people around you. It took some time for me to adjust. However, I was prepared to face the different situation. India is a wonderful land. Now I feel very homely in this part of the world. There are plenty of things to learn - tourism, politics, religion and many more.

How do you find people and the traditions followed here in India?

It’s funny to see more conservative issues surrounding people. Sometimes, I feel like laughing. In a way I like it. It is neither better nor worst. I find it funny when it comes to arranged marriages. Most of the time, Indian women find it difficult to express themselves. I am not going to judge it. Indian society is developed in a different situation. North Indians are more of ‘hot blood’. They are tougher, demanding and irritate a lot. They do have colourful emotions. South Indians are polite and wonderful people. They are calm.

Did you like Indian food? What is your opinion about Indian dress?

I like Indian food. I am not demanding when it comes to eating. I miss my home food and kitchen. I like aloo and cheese paratha, raita and potato stuff. Indian saris make women look really like women. However, it is quite boring to cover entire body in the country like mine because of hot climate.

Can you tell something about Czechoslovakia?

Czechoslovakia is a beautiful inland country with estuaries and wonderful culture. People are more independent.

What are your future plans and would you like to recommend India for your friends to take up their studies?           

I am into tourism. I came to India not for the sake of degree, but to get the experience of different culture. I would like to bridge the tourism opportunities between two countries. I would tell my friends to come to India and study. India is worth it. It is a nice destination and as huge as Europe. I come from a country which is as small as Delhi.       

Published 12 August 2011, 15:22 IST

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