
DU teachers give thumbs down to four-year degree

Physical education staff unanimously oppose new format
Last Updated : 07 April 2013, 19:54 IST
Last Updated : 07 April 2013, 19:54 IST

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The staff council members of Delhi University's Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education and Sports Science, said that the new four-year graduation structure does not fulfill the requirements of the institute.

In a recent meeting, the staff council gave a unanimous resolution against implementing the new format.

“In order to implement the decision of the University of Delhi regarding the start of four-year degree courses, the matter was discussed at length. There was a unanimous feeling that the new programme does not fulfill the requirements in the present shape and structure for producing primary and secondary school teachers of physical education”, stated the April 2, staff council notification.

It further said: “Ours is a special institute looking after physical education teaching and physical education teachers' pre service training programme.”

According to a professor of the physical education institute, the students are reeling under the burden of compulsory attendance in the present semester system. 

“We were facing problems even in the annual system because the students who go for national camps or play in tournaments are absent for few months and university allows leave for not more than 30 days. We asked for special relief from the Vice Chancellor (VC) but of no avail. Now in the semester system, the situation is even worse, as mandatory attendance is required to sit for exams,” he said.

The teachers further said that usually students who get admission in the institute are not academically strong. 

Thus the implementation of foundation courses which will include papers like Mathematics will be difficult for students to understand. 

“We already have foundation application courses related to physical education. Our principal is in the task force. When we asked as to why did he not tell about the issues we will be facing, he told us that everything is being forcefully implemented. Nobody is listening”, said another teacher.

The physical education and Sportinstitute has a total of over 300 students. It offers undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD courses in physical and sports science.

Published 07 April 2013, 19:54 IST

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