
Watch: Sending a Christmas letter to Satan might actually turn out well?

Last Updated : 20 December 2017, 09:28 IST
Last Updated : 20 December 2017, 09:28 IST

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5 days to Christmas. By now, people all around the world will have begun finalising their Christmas gifts, gotten the trees and decorations in and have a dinner menu set in stone. Of course, there are some who take their time, but they're not the focus of this story.

It is a well-known fact that children over the world often write letters addressed to Santa Claus, the mythical figure who brings presents to those who have been good in the year. But what happens when someone writes a letter to his hellish counterpart, Satan? Surely the personification of evil will simply ignore such a letter, or if he is feeling particularly nasty, make himself disposed to frighten the poor soul who would dare disturb his slumber? You'd be surprised with the answer.

Let the soothing voice of the legendary Patrick Stewart guide you through one such situation, where a little girl named Hope sends a letter to Satan asking for a puppy.

'A Letter to DEAR SATAN' is produced by a group called 'Anomaly' and is written by Alex Bingham, Conrad Swanston and Craig Ainsley.

Published 20 December 2017, 06:01 IST

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