
'Dead assets' will be shown exit door: Gadkari

Last Updated : 13 January 2020, 10:48 IST
Last Updated : 13 January 2020, 10:48 IST

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In a clear warning to "non-performing" officials in the ministry, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Monday said, "dead assets" who neither take decisions nor allow others to work, will be shown the exit door and red-tapism will not be tolerated.

Addressing the 'Road Safety Stakeholders Meet,' Road Transport and Highways Minister made it clear that "there is a limit to testing one's patience" and those officials who compromised on road safety by not taking timely decisions or are accountable for faulty DPRs (detailed project report) or road engineering will have to face stringent actions.

India is a country where more people die on roads than in militancy or extremism related incidents, he said and termed the scenario as "unfortunate and painful".

The minister further noted that notwithstanding the massive efforts to curb accidents there has been an increase in this space and India topped the list globally with 65 per cent of victims falling in the age range of 18-35 years.

"Those non-productive, non-performing, dead assets in the Government ... should be shown the exit door. There should not be any hesitation. They lack sensitivity, they lack decision making, they make wrong DPRs and sit on the file for years. They neither take decisions nor allow others to take decisions. ... There is a limit to testing one's patience," Gadkari said.

The Minister said: "We can not allow this to function. The government needs to take instant decisions. Those who do not work, those who do not take decisions and those who are involved in red-tapism... will be shown the exit."

He said huge work has been done for building roads and adding highways but now was the time to weed out unproductive people from the system as was stressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

"We will touch 30 km a day road building this year. The Prime Minister asked what steps have been taken against those who do not work. How many of such people were given retirement? I have asked my Secretary about how many people were shown the doors for not working," the minister said.

Reiterating government's commitment to road safety, the minister said 22 driving centres have been opened and another 1,000 are on the anvil as there is a shortage of 22 lakh drivers.

He said massive work was being done on accidents spots with Rs 7,000 crore assistance from the World Bank, Rs 7,000 crore from ADB and urged automobile manufacturers also to come forward in this direction.

He also called upon teachers to join the crusade for imparting education among students on road safety.

The Minister urged states to follow the example of Tamil Nadu which has reduced its accidents by 24.4 per cent in the last 2-3 years on the back of various initiatives.

He said that Tata Trust NGO has proposed helicopter services at high accident spots and organ donation could be promoted in those cases where victims can not be saved.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said it was a matter of concern as to why road safety was lagging behind and wondered why Indians "who could know the way of reaching to the Moon or Mars, failed to learn the ways of safety in reaching homes and offices."

He urged the youth to use social media platforms like Whatsapp, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok for creating awareness among masses.

Crediting Gadkari for massive works in this direction he reiterated Gadkari's words to imbibe sensitivity and said it was shocking to come across incidents where people instead of saving victims had been found making videos.

He stressed the need to fight "terrorists" within oneself to tackle road rage issues and safe driving.

Published 13 January 2020, 10:48 IST

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