West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said that according to experts, lockdown measures in the state to curb the spread of COVID-19 should continue to be in force till the end of May.
“No one can knows when the situation will be normal. Several countries have extended lockdown till end of May and first week of June. Our experts are of the opinion that lockdown measures should continue in Bengal till the end of May,” said Banerjee.
Addressing media persons at the state secretariat, Banerjee said that the spread of infection may slow down by end of May but it may again increase during the rainy season.
She also announced some relaxations such as opening of stand-alone shops in green zones and areas which are not containment zones and that buses will run with maximum 20 passengers within green zone districts in the state. However, they will not be allowed to venture out of their respective districts.
The Chief Minister said that in green zone districts and non-containment zones. iron and steel factories and construction work will be allowed. All the relaxation will be in force from Monday and under condition that heath guidelines and social distancing norms are maintained.
Banerjee also said that nearly 2500 students from Bengal will start their journey back home from Rajasthan’s Kota and they will board buses on Wednesday evening.
Published 29 April 2020, 14:43 IST