
Heart patient seeks permission for euthanasia

Last Updated : 27 November 2011, 10:29 IST
Last Updated : 27 November 2011, 10:29 IST

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Jhunu Behera (38), a resident of K Barida village and a mother of four children, sought permission from the President and Odisha governor for euthanasia. 

“Instead of causing trouble to other members of my family, I want to die,” she said in her a letter sent recently to the President.

“At least Rs 5 lakh is required to replace the valves of her heart, which were damaged. It’s impossible to arrange such a huge amount for the family as her husband is a daily labourer,” Abhiram Pradhan, brother of the patient, said.

"She dashed off the letters on October 28 last to the President and Governor seeking permission to die” Pradhan said. Even though the Governor and President’s office acknowledged receipt of the letters,there was no reply,he said.

The problem was diagnosed about three years ago, when she was admitted at MKCG Medical College and Hospital here. She also had check-ups in some private hospitals of Bengaluru and Bhubaneswar. The doctors advised replacement of the heart valves for which a huge amount is required.

“By mortgaging the house, I have treated her so far. We have no other resources.

Moreover, she is suffering from severe pain", Surendra Behera, the patient's husband, said.

Their elder son, aged 15 years, dropped out of school to work as a daily labourer. Other three children, including two daughters, are studying in school with financial help of their uncle.

Pradhan said they had applied for financial assistance from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. The application was missing, he said.

Published 27 November 2011, 10:29 IST

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