Active cases of Covid-19 dipped below 6 lakh across India on Friday, but Delhi reported 5,891 fresh infections, the highest single-day spike, while Kerala reported 7,020 new cases.
On the brighter side, the recovery rate among Covid-19 patients crossed 91%, while the death rate was hovering around 1.5% of the total 80.88 lakh infections.
“The total recovered cases stand at 73,73,375. India continues to be the topmost country with the maximum number of recovered cases globally. The difference between active cases and recovered cases is consistently increasing and stands at 6,778,989 on Friday,” a Health Ministry statement said.
The active cases of Covid-19 were 5.94 lakh, the lowest since the 5.95 lakh active cases recorded on August 6, it added.
However, states such as Kerala and Delhi continued to report a high number of positive cases every day, a stark reminder of the fact that the pandemic was not showing signs of slowing down in these states.
Kerala reported 7,020 new Covid-19 cases as of Friday morning, while Delhi had reported 5,739 fresh cases. Throughout Friday, Delhi added another 5,891 new infections – the highest single-day spike till date in the national capital.
The Ministry said that several States/UTs had exceeded the advised number of tests. “The national average of tests per day per million population stands at 844. The figure for Delhi and Kerala has exceeded 3,000,” it said
However, Kerala has been reporting more daily recoveries than new cases. On Friday morning, Kerala had reported 8,474 recoveries, while the number for Delhi was 4,138.
The Ministry said that at the national level, 57,386 patients had recovered and discharged from healthcare facilities on Friday morning whereas the new confirmed cases were 48,648.