
As Covid cases rise in Delhi, Karnataka prepares to keep guard up

As many as 30 lakh individuals are yet to take the second Covid vaccine dose in the state
Last Updated : 20 April 2022, 16:53 IST
Last Updated : 20 April 2022, 16:53 IST

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Karnataka is closely observing the daily spike in the Covid cases in Delhi and two other states, Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar said here on Wednesday.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an event at the government-run KC General Hospital in Malleswaram, he said that the state Health department had observed a gradual rise in the Covid cases in the national capital region in the past two weeks.

"I have asked the Health department to check the number of hospitalisations and the virulence of the disease in those infected in Delhi. Today, there will be a review meeting of the department where this will be checked," he said.

Advisory on masks

Sudhakar spoke of an advisory issued by Karnataka on March 8 which talks about mask usage. "But people are still not wearing masks. Not even in closed indoor spaces," he added.

As many as 30 lakh individuals are yet to take the second Covid vaccine dose in the state. "I urge all those whose second dose is pending to immediately take it," the minister said.

"All screening measures required at the Kempegowda International Airport are in place. In the previous three waves, as soon as a spike was observed in Delhi and other states, it was followed by a spike here. That is why we need to keep our guard up. But the fourth wave hasn't begun in Karnataka yet," he said.

He continued: "Whenever there's no visibility of Covid cases, people get the impression that the pandemic is over. This is an incorrect conclusion to draw. That is why taking precautionary vaccine doses is also important. Whether this is the fourth wave in Delhi or just an occasional rise in cases, we need to study. We will update the public once this report comes."

Asked if Covid curbs will be introduced gradually in a phase-wise manner, he said it was difficult to comment on the same at this stage. "Mask usage is the bare minimum that the public can abide by. There's no inconvenience caused to people in following it," he said.

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Published 20 April 2022, 16:34 IST

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