
A bridge to the business world

Corporate Connect
Last Updated : 08 February 2012, 12:22 IST
Last Updated : 08 February 2012, 12:22 IST

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Corporate Connect’, an event organised by the computer science department of Christ University, was recently held on the college premises.

This occasion was organised with the intent of giving the students an opportunity to better understand how they could use their skills once they begin working in the software development industry.

It included a talk by Sanjeev Krishnan, the project manager at Siemens Corporate Technology Development Center. The focus of his talk was, among other things, an overview of software applications, specifically in the medical domain.

Other than the kinds of applications and technologies used in this field, he also spoke to the students about doubts they might have about their future, such as how they could apply the skills they were acquiring in a working environment and what they could expect once they were graduates.

Not only did he present a brief sketch of the projects he was working on at the moment, but he also spoke to the students about some other developments in the field of computer programming. Whether it was about application-based systems, post-processing applications, he had his audience enthralled throughout.

One of the more interesting topics that he touched upon were the latest developments when it came to mobile applications and cloud applications. He also explained to the students where they could apply the subjects they had learnt in class to help them once they begun working; a sound knowledge of programming, he stressed, would be very important for them in the future.

Most freshers in the software industry have high expectations, and he maintained that they would not be disappointed. In fact, he said that they’d be given ample opportunity to learn fast, because they’d be put on working projects right from the beginning of their jobs. He stressed on the need for good communication, in order to share ideas in the best possible way.

The other traits that he pegged as essential in a working environment are a positive attitude and a sense of commitment, as well as technical expertise. After the session, a question and answer round was held wherein the students could speak to Sanjeev Krishnan about their own ideas and doubts about the corporate world.                                                                                  

Published 08 February 2012, 12:22 IST

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