
Restoring Brand Bangalore, the top priority

Last Updated : 29 December 2012, 19:55 IST
Last Updated : 29 December 2012, 19:55 IST

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Brand Bangalore hit the pits, mired in muck literally, during the year 2012, with the City’s garbage raising such a stink that it made for front page news in the US, with newspapers commenting on India’s Silicon City having gone to the dogs.

Caught between a callous citizenry caring two hoots on soiling their neighbourhoods and a BBMP totally clueless on tackling the mounting garbage crisis, the once Garden City was left to grapple with irate villagers at the landfills who raised the banner of enough is enough. Bangaloreans hope that at least in 2013, the BBMP will set its house in order and end the garbage menace.

Adding to the garbage imbroglio which saw the Palike have its hands full, it had to also live through frequent transfers of the commissioners, the fake bill scams and other irregularities, while the constant refrain among the citizens was “Give us better amenities.”

Civic experts too feel the same. Evidence Experts Director Panindra B N, expressing his disappointment at trivial political issues and illegal activities, notes: “Registration of properties in the City is continuing illegally and it has turned into an  unscrupulous business. Another issue that needs to be dealt by BBMP is the fate of dug-up roads.

Debris left unattended after repairing a road obstructs motorists. Two days prior to digging, public should be notified about the road repair work so that they gear up accordingly.”

Congested roads due to choc-o-bloc vehicular flow, overflowing manholes and poor management of traffic are haunting many Bangaloreans. Joanne, a City college student, says: “The condition of the roads at many places is pathetic.

The streets are full of craters and boulders. Although my expectations are low from BBMP, it would be great if they could list out all bad roads of Bangalore and repair them priority-wise in the coming year.”

While a section of people still have some kind of hopes pinned on the BBMP, there are many whose expectations levels have dropped to zero. Imran Syed, a shop-keepers on M G Road echoed the sentiments of the majority: “What can you expect from a corrupt and non-efficient civic body? The recent garbage crisis and scams have further put the Palike to shame.”

Published 29 December 2012, 19:55 IST

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