
Stray dog bites five in Vijayanagar

Last Updated : 03 December 2009, 19:15 IST
Last Updated : 03 December 2009, 19:15 IST

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As an immediate reaction, the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) decided to start a dog catching drive on Friday. While no BBMP control room reported dog bite incident, Palike officials confirmed the incident.

“None of the dog bite victims have been admitted to hospitals. Two of them went to the referral BBMP hospital to get anti-rabies injection, while the other two went to private

hospitals. We have asked all of them to come to the Palike hospital on Friday," said Dr Ramachandra, Health Officer, Vijayanagar Block. At 12.30 pm on Thursday, the stray dog first attacked a walker, Sanjeev Kumar before targeting a three-year-old Mallika. The dog bit her hands and legs as she came out of her house to play. “Earlier this month, dogs had attacked Mallika’s brother Purushan (8) also. But we did not complain thinking it was a stray incident,” said Kanth Raj, a local resident.

Mallika’s parents claimed that when they approached Victoria Hospital, they were asked to shell out Rs 4,000 for anti-rabies injection. Another 5-year-old boy who was also attacked by the dog suffered injuries on both his legs.  

Published 03 December 2009, 19:15 IST

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