
Students to miss PUC classes due to late SSLC results

Last Updated : 12 May 2018, 20:39 IST
Last Updated : 12 May 2018, 20:39 IST

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Many students may miss out on the first few days of PU classes as the opening dates of colleges are scheduled before the admission process is over.

Karnataka’s Department of Pre-university Education has confirmed that the commencement of the first PU classes is postponed from May 14 to 24. Officials said the postponement was due to the delay in announcing the Class 10 (SSLC) results.

The PU department’s calendar of events reveals that individual colleges will announce the first list of candidates two days after the entire list of applicants is released. The second list of candidates will similarly follow five days after the first list.

Since the third list will not be announced before the colleges open on May 24, students featuring on the list will have to miss the classes on the first few days.

“We’ll start with the bridge course for students on May 24 as stipulated by the department. Students getting admission after the third list will have to join a few days later,”
said Latha, principal, MPL Shastry PU College, Rajajinagar.

Students taking the SSLC supplementary exams and getting their results later will also be missing the opening days. “The orientation programme will begin for the students selected on the first and second lists,” said Dr L Ramu, principal, MES PU College, Malleswaram.

“We’ll help them get a glimpse into the syllabus and bridge the gap between learning at school and college.” He said the college would hold the bridge courses in batches to help the students. Regular courses will begin
once the bridge course is completed.

“We can’t start the syllabus fully since the enrolment will not be over by then. It’s also important for students to attend the orientation classes. We’ll do a crash course (for the latecomers) and try covering what they miss,” said another principal.

The PU department has directed colleges to reserve 5% seats for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) and Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which are yet to announce their Class 10 results.

While the ICSE results are scheduled for May 14, students from these two boards will also join PU colleges late.

Published 12 May 2018, 19:05 IST

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