The test, a gateway for admission to Indian Institutes of Management, was conducted online for the second consecutive year in 2010. A total of 2.04 lakh candidates registered for the test held at 78 centres in 33 cities across the country. With nearly 18,000 candidates, Bangalore had the highest number of aspirants, next only to New Delhi. The test was held between October 27 and November 24, and unlike the previous year, there were few reports of glitches during the test.
However, the announcement of the results has been preceded by an alleged ‘leak’ last week when several online forums exchanged URLs that led to the CAT scorecard page. Officials have maintained that the results were for 2010, and not for this year.
The IIMs will shortlist the candidates for interviews once the scores are out on Wednesday. Besides the nine IIMs, about 160 institutions also use the score as basis for admission. For results visit