Mysuru: Mysuru city traffic police, led by Commissioner Seema Latkar and DCP (Crime and Traffic) S Jahnavi, have intensified traffic regulation drives. During the four day special drive taken up from August 31 to September 3 against two wheelers with defective silencers, they have booked cases under the Indian Motor Vehicles Act against 94 vehicles and seized them. So far, the police have booked 217 cases against such vehicles this year.
Commissioner Seema Latkar launched a drive to destroy the defective silencers of all 217 vehicles near Siddarthanagar traffic police station in Mysuru on Wednesday morning.
The cost of each such silencer ranged between Rs 30,000 and Rs 1,30,000, and many of them could not be crushed by a road roller even after it rolled over them for as many as 15 times.
DCP Jahnavi said, "We are conducting the special drives in all traffic police station limits. They will be continued in the future also," she said.
According to ACP Mysuru City Traffic H Parashuramappa, during the special drive against two wheelers' defective silencers, they have booked cases against 11 vehicles under Devaraja Traffic police station limits; 19 vehicles under Krishna Raja traffic; 14 under Narasimharaja; 15 under Siddarthanagar; and 35 under VV Puram traffic police stations limits. This year from January to August, they have booked 26 cases against vehicles with defective silencers in Devraja; 40 in Krishna Raja; 51 in Narasimharaja; 37 in Siddarthanagar; and 63 in VV Puram traffic police station limits.
He added that besides collecting fines from those defective silencers, they have even booked cases against the usage of defective register number plates, over speeding and other traffic violations.
More than 10 lakh cases booked against various IMV violations
This year, they have booked 1,248 cases against drunken driving; 18,213 cases against over speeding; 16,129 cases against the usage of mobile phones while driving; 6,35,784 cases against riding without helmet; 2,30,860 cases against driving without wearing seat belt; 477 against reckless driving; 1012 against using high beam light; 25,067 against not following lane discipline; 3,186 against vehicles with defective register number plates; 12,692 against driving on no entry/wrong ways; 23,599 against triple riding; 3,08,635 against pillion riders without helmet; and 41 against those riding on footpath, ACP Parshuramappa informed.