
Piranha's 'close kin' threaten AP fish resources

Last Updated : 04 October 2012, 20:39 IST
Last Updated : 04 October 2012, 20:39 IST

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The invasive, voracious and red-bellied Pacu, a “close relative” of Piranha, has arrived in Andhra Pradesh. The fish, feared by humans, has surprised the Bio-Diversity Board as with its large appetite, it threatens to wipe out the aquatic biodiversity in the state.

Rajiv Mathew, an expert member of the Bio-Diversity Board, found Pacu, a native of the Amazon basin in South America, with its unmistakable red markings at a super market here.

The seller told him that a few fish ponds in the East Godavari district of the state supply it. As a marine life researcher, Rajiv Mathew got curious and bought the fish, as it looked quite unnatural with its red and silver colour. He photographed and brought the matter to the notice of other members of the board.

The experts are now trying to understand how Pacu reached Andhra Pradesh. “It is similar to the Asian carp moving to Mississippi river system in the US and wiping out the local fish varieties, which forced the government to declare it as an invasive species in 2007,” said A B S Murty, an expert in marine biology, particularly of the Godavari basin. “However, compared to its cousin the Piranha, the Red Belly Pacu is less harmful and aggressive,” Mathew added.

He said fish lovers might want to keep it in aquaria because of its attractive colours but it is very harmful to the rest of the fish and other species. Mathew pointed out that the fish might have entered coastal waters during cyclones and floods. Bio-diversity Board Chairman R Hampaiah said the board has informed the presence of Pacu to the Fisheries Department in East Godavari for further investigations and recommend necessary steps to prevent future damage.

Found in the Amazon Basin, the Pacu is an omnivore. The fish can weigh up to 25 kg. It primarily eats nuts, aquatic vegetation and snails but also feeds on meat if starved. There are also reports of Pacu ripping off the testicles of some fishermen in New Guinea, US.

Published 04 October 2012, 19:39 IST

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