
RS passes Bill to set up TN Legislative Council

Last Updated : 05 May 2010, 17:24 IST
Last Updated : 05 May 2010, 17:24 IST

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The breakneck speed with which the process for setting up the Legislative Council in TN was hurried through, exemplified the immense clout that DMK enjoys at the Centre.

Tamil Nadu chief minister and DMK patriarch M Karunanidhi visited the national capital for three days — May 1 to 3 — and on the last day of his visit, called on UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. He placed his demand for the Upper House with the two leaders.

Realising the importance of the  demand, the UPA brass got into act. The Union Cabinet, which normally meets on Thursdays, was convened on Tuesday in which the Council issue was taken up and approved.

It was introduced, debated and approved in Rajya Sabha on the same day. It will be taken up in Lok Sabha in all probability on Thursday.

Interestingly, the normal practice in Parliament is that the business advisory committee (BAC) in the two House first decide when to take up a particular issue. The TN Upper House, it is learnt, did not come up in BAC of either House. The DMK has 18 MPs in the LS and four in the RS.

Published 05 May 2010, 17:24 IST

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