
RSS to hold dharna at Jantar Mantar to protest its workers' killing in Kerala

Last Updated : 08 August 2017, 17:30 IST
Last Updated : 08 August 2017, 17:30 IST

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To whip up public and intellectual support,  the RSS will hold a dharna at Jantar Mantar on Wednesday to protest killing of its and BJP cadres in Kerala.

The RSS has reached out to vice chancellors of  universities and other educated elite seeking their presence at the protest cite at Jantar Mantar as the BJP's ideological mentors attempts to fight out what it charged "Communist talibanisation" through opinion makers, said Sangh sources.  VCs of JNU, Kurukshetra University and Delhi University professors are among the academia expected to attend the Wednesday evening protest at the Jantar Mantar, RSS sources said.

The RSS wants to build the campaign at a scale to counter "not in my name" movement that Left liberal and Congress supporters had organised across the country to question series of attacks against minorities.

After the Modi government had dispatched union finance minister Arun Jaitley to visit families of victims, including Rajesh, of  killings allegedly done by the CPM workers, the RSS has requested union ministers and BJP leaders to lend support to their mass reachout programme through their social media posts.  Some of the BJP leaders and spokespersons are expected to attend the dharna which would be addressed by right wing intellectuals.

This would the second protest march that RSS is oganising since January to protest political violence in Kerala. RSS's Joint General Secretary Dattatreya Hosabale had led the protest that had sought an end to fatal assault on their cadres and workers.  Hosabale had held a press conference recently and sought judicial probe into the killing of  300 workers of the RSS and the BJP.  He was also not averse to the centre exploring option to impose President's rule in the CPM ruled state of Kerala.

Published 08 August 2017, 16:05 IST

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