
War of words between J&K Guv, politicians intensifies

Last Updated : 07 February 2019, 07:30 IST
Last Updated : 07 February 2019, 07:30 IST
Last Updated : 07 February 2019, 07:30 IST
Last Updated : 07 February 2019, 07:30 IST

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The war of words between Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik and regional political parties – National Conference (NC) and PDP – is intensifying with each passing day with politicians accusing Malik of interfering in political matters.

After the governor on Wednesday said people should sympathise with the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) president Mehbooba Mufti’s situation than taking her statements seriously, the mainstream political party hit back and said it is “ironical that the governor is unreasonably exceeding his jurisdiction by commenting on political scenario and issuing defamatory statements against a party”.

Talking to reporters on the sidelines of a function at the Jammu University, Malik said, “Why should people sympathise with the situation and problems of Mehbooba Mufti? Elections are just around the corner. Her party is breaking apart. Her party is in a bad shape. She got power by this tactic only and now she is only trying to save her party by commenting against the forces and India’s political system. So she need not be taken seriously.”

In a statement, PDP chief spokesperson Rafi Ahmad Mir said the “governor is unreasonably interfering in politics of Kashmir and influencing the elections and the electorate against PDP”.

“We hope that sanctity of Raj Bhavan is restored and the constitution becomes the only guiding principle. Governor must desist influencing J&K’s politics in future by not exceeding his jurisdiction,” Mir said.

Mehbooba’s bête-noire and NC leader Omar Abdullah came in support of the PDP chief by terming governor’s statement as ‘unacceptable. “Governor Sb this is an unacceptable statement & an unnecessary interference in politics. At this rate it won’t be long before people stop taking Raj Bhavan seriously so please consider the office you occupy before you give statements (sic),” he tweeted.

Earlier, Mehbooba had criticized the governor saying, “she was saddened to see the constitutional authorities taking sides so brazenly.”

Malik is known for making controversial statements ever-since he took over as the governor of the restive Himalayan state August last year. Last month Malik dropped a hint that he may be transferred from his post as his statements continue to create controversies in the state.

In November, the outspoken governor dropped a hint that he may be transferred from his post as his statements continue to create controversies in the state. “As long as I’m here – it’s not in my hands – I don’t know when I will be transferred from here. I will not lose my job, but the threat of transfer is there,” he had said after making a statement that had he listened to Centre then Peoples Conference (PC) leader Sajajd Lone would have been chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir.

Published 07 February 2019, 07:30 IST

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