
The real success

Last Updated : 17 May 2009, 18:51 IST
Last Updated : 17 May 2009, 18:51 IST

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What you are looking for in life is comfort. Why do you need money? Because you want comfort. Any need in any direction boils down to one word - comfort. There are many levels of comfort. One is physical - if you are sitting on the grass, you think, 'Oh, it would have been better if there was a cushion'. Then there's mental comfort - this is even more essential. If you have a comfortable home but the mind is not comfortable, you will not be able to sleep even on a comfortable bed.

Another type is emotional comfort - you have everything, but if someone close hurts you, then your emotional comfort is gone. Then there's spiritual comfort - this is comfort of the soul, an uninterrupted flow of peace and joy from within. Comfort means to be yourself.
Where is comfort? Is it in the body or in the mind? It is in a combination of both. Sometimes, when the body is not comfortable, the mind is also not comfortable, and vice versa. More than the body, the comfort of the mind is important. The mind is three times more powerful than the body, so mental comfort is three times more important than physical comfort.

Comfort is based on commitment. Other people's commitment brings you comfort. For example, the milkman's commitment to bring you milk gives you comfort. Similarly, your commitment should bring comfort to everyone else. Now, don't think every commitment will be smooth from the beginning. If you are committed to complete your medical course, then there is bound to be some rough time in between. However, commitment can take you across all obstacles; greater the achievement, the greater the commitment. Commi-tment is about stretching your capabilities.

There is so much talk about success everywhere. Have you ever thought about what success is? It's simply ignorance of your capabilities. You have set a limitation on your self, and whenever you cross your own limitation, you claim success. Success is ignorance of the power of your self.

Every time you achieve something, you feel proud about it, isn't it? Actually, you should feel sorry about it.  So the best thing is to surrender to the divine. If you are successful, so what? It is another thing that you did, and you can do much more. If you couldn't do something well, then you couldn't do it, that's all. This moment, do you wish to do it again? Then have the sankalpa, the intention - 'I have to do it!' - then you will make good progress.

Published 17 May 2009, 18:51 IST

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