
Fiberglass panels separate customers in this hotel

Last Updated : 21 June 2020, 16:21 IST
Last Updated : 21 June 2020, 16:21 IST

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As a precautionary measure to check the spread of COVID-19, a hotel in the city has now placed fiberglass divider panels to separate customers from each other.

To dispel fear among the customers, Gadiyara Hotel in Kuloor has placed divider boards on the tables. The divider boards on the tables help in maintaining social distancing in the restaurant. There are chances of virus spreading when people cough or sneeze while having food. The fiberglass board will prevent it.

“Our priority is the safety of customers. We have been adhering to the guidelines of the government, to prevent the spread of the COVID-19,” says Hotel owner Ganesh Shetty.

Similar boards had been installed in hotels in Bengaluru and Singapore. This is for the first time that such an initiative was taken up in Mangaluru. There is a good response from the customers as well, he added.

It was Shetty’s relative from Singapore who informed him about the fiberglass boards to separate the customers. Accordingly, he had purchased necessary items and made the modifications on the table.

Published 21 June 2020, 16:09 IST

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