
Varun promises politics of hope

Last Updated : 06 April 2014, 22:47 IST
Last Updated : 06 April 2014, 22:47 IST

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Away from the BJP’s perceived attempts to polarise elections by PM candidate Narendra Modi’s close aide Amit Shah’s controversial “riot revenge vote” statement, the party’s young parliamentarian Varun Gandhi is reaching out to the people in Sultanpur Lok Sabha constituency through  “politics of hope”.

Rushing through ‘nukkad’ meetings in the villages of Faizabad and Pratapgarh, Varun, clad in light blue kurta, white pyjama and black sandals, does not believe in customary niceties of accepting garlands and refrains from directly accusing either sitting Congress MP Sanjay Singh, whose wife Amita has instead been fielded from the seat. But, for one gathering at Bahadipur he was addressing, where he said that if he wins, he will investigate why the roads are in such pathetic condition since Rs 45 crore was earmarked for the upkeep.

At a rally in Sanjay Gandhi High School, named after his father, Varun said, “I have come to Sultanpur to bring new kind of politics, based on hope and humanity and not to do cheap politics where votes are sought on the basis of caste or religion”.  
In all the meetings, Varun did not mention the name of Modi or any other top BJP leaders though the development politics he referred to in his speeches.

Later when quizzed on this topic, Varun did not find anything unusual about it and explained, “I don’t harp on my own family and myself. But, yes I want to end the politics of patronage and dynasty”.   

But, he is aware of his Gandhi origin as he tells audience that if they vote him to the Lok Sabha, “they can proudly say that they come from Sultanpur that is represented by Varun Gandhi”. Former MLA Chandra Bhadra Singh alias Sonu Singh, who has recently joined the BJP, said that Varun has been able to connect quickly with the people who are looking for a change with a hope that he will bring badly needed development in the city. 

When asked whether he has changed since his alleged Muslim hate speech that was later absolved by the courts, the BJP’s youngest general secretary disagreed. “Last time the message could not go across due to false cases put on me. People knew it was a fake case engineered by my political adversaries. Even in Pilibhit, I have brought so much of development and helped common persons without any strings”.
DH News Service

Published 06 April 2014, 22:47 IST

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