
Wife fails to make lunch, faces husband's brutality

Cops say she was sexually abused earlier as well, culprit arrested
Last Updated : 19 September 2014, 21:30 IST
Last Updated : 19 September 2014, 21:30 IST

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A 48-year-old man has been arrested for attempt to murder after he allegedly assaulted his wife at their east Delhi home for not preparing his lunch.

Ratan Lal, an electrician, allegedly tried to strangle her and inserted the handle of a floor wiper in her private parts, police said on Friday.

She also alleged that Ratan habitually abused her physically and sexually. Ratan would get angry with her over minor issues and beat her up with rods.

“The accused had even burnt the woman’s skin with an electric iron. She had burn marks on her legs and stomach,” an officer said.

In her statement to police, the woman  said Ratan Lal returned home in Rajgarh Colony around 1.30 pm on Wednesday.

“The accused asked his wife to serve food, but she told him that she could not cook as she was not feeling well,” said a police officer. Ratan was in an inebriated condition.

In a fit of rage, Ratan said he would kill her and tried to strangle her. She somehow managed to loosen Ratan’s grip on her neck, but he then picked up a floor wiper.
“In her statement, the woman claimed that her husband pulled her clothes off and inserted the handle of the floor wiper in her private parts,” the officer added.

During the scuffle, she pushed Ratan and ran into a room and bolted the door. Ratan kept banging on the door, and said he would kill her once she came out.

Later in the day, she approached local police and a case was filed at Gandhi Nagar police station after her medical examination was conducted at Swami Dayanand Hospital in Shahdara.

The husband has been booked under section 307 (attempt to murder) of the Indian Penal Code.  The couple live with their three children, who were not at home when the incident took place.

Published 19 September 2014, 21:30 IST

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