
Apple releases public beta of iOS 16, iPadOS 16, watchOS 9

The fully tested final software version will be released to all eligible devices in September
Last Updated : 12 July 2022, 09:18 IST
Last Updated : 12 July 2022, 09:18 IST

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Last month, during the WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference) 2022 event, Apple gave a sneak peek at the new software-- iOS 16, watchOS 9, macOS Ventura, and iPadOS 16 for iPhones, Watches, Macs, and iPads coming later this year.

Soon after the announcement, the company offered a preview version to registered developers and now, Apple is offering access to the beta versions of iOS 16, watchOS 9, macOS Ventura, and iPadOS 16 to the public.

It should be noted that the beta software is not a final version and will have bugs. To be on the safer side, install the beta software on a secondary device.

Apple iOS 16 and iPadOS 16 share most of the features. Some new things include refreshed lockscreen with customisation options and a boat load of colourful wallpapers. Decluttering of Notifications stack on the lockscreen, live activities with real-time details on lockscreen, deeper integration of focus with lockscreen, iCloud-shared photo library, Live Text feature on Video, Visual look-up and edit or delete texts on Messages.

Also, with the iPadOS 16 Apple is bringing Stage Manager. With this users can multitask and get things done with ease. Resize windows to look the way they want. And for the first time on iPad, users will be able see and operate multiple overlapping windows in a single view. With this, users can seamlessly switch between apps easier than ever before.

The new iPadOS 16. Credit: Apple
The new iPadOS 16. Credit: Apple

The new iPadOS 16 brings Free Form. With this users can host group video conferences and host project meetings with a presentation-sharing feature. Here, all the invites can brainstorm with colleagues, share a link, and start working together instantly. As others add their thoughts, users can see changes on the canvas in real-time.

The watchOS 9 comes with a lot of new features. Credit: Apple
The watchOS 9 comes with a lot of new features. Credit: Apple

Apple watchOS 9
After installing the watchOS 9, users will start to see new metrics by just turning Digital Crown to view like Activity Rings, Heart Rate Zones, Power, and Elevation.
With the Heart Rate zones, users can gauge how much intensity the body and heart went through during a particular activity such as running. Also, time the laps and also recovery period right on the workouts.

Another notable aspect of the new software coming to Apple devices is the Lockdown Mode.

It will be an optional feature. It can be turned on and off by the user. If the individual is a high-value target (HVT), he/she can turn it on their device, and once activated, it will harden device defenses and strictly limits certain functionalities of messenger apps, web browsing, and wired connections (for data transfer), and more.

Interested Apple device owners who are keen to test the features firsthand, just have to go to the Beta Software Program website (here) and sign up using the Apple ID.

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Published 12 July 2022, 09:15 IST

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