
IIMB students to study Israel's thriving start-up ecosystem

Last Updated : 03 September 2015, 20:21 IST

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Ramzauva Chhakchhuak

Israel’s population is just six million but it has more than 6,000 start-ups. From this year onwards, students of the flagship MBA programme of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) will get to not only study the thriving start-up ecosystem of that country but also directly interact with many firms and companies there as part of their course.

The IIMB is planning to start a three-credit course on ‘Developing technology partnerships between entrepreneurial firms in India and Israel’. As part of this, students will directly interact with organisations and businesses in India that are looking for technology partnerships with Israeli firms, as well as with entrepreneurial or large firms in Israel that may want to partner India companies. This means students will travel to Israel, said an IIMB spokesperson.

Four faculty members — three from the IIMB and one visiting faculty member from Tel Aviv University, Prof Gadi Ariav, — will teach the course. Gadi is an Associate Professor of Technology and Information Systems Management, Head of Max Perlman Center for Global Business as well as the founding Academic Director of the Business Consulting Concentration in the MBA programme, all at the Tel Aviv University Business School.

Prof Abhoy K Ojha who teaches Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Management, K Kumar, the Apeejay Surrendra Chair Professor of Family Business and Entrepreneurship, and Anshuman Tripathy, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship and Production and Operations Management, are the three members of the IIMB faculty who will be teaching the course.

The main objective of the course, as pointed out by the faculty members, is to help participants identify technology gaps in India that prevent the development and/or manufacture of required products and services in India. The aim is to understand technologies and the process of technology development to enhance the application of technology to increase business opportunities in India and other India-like markets.

Talk by Israeli prof today

Prof Gadi Ariav is scheduled to deliver a talk on ‘Entrepreneurship in Israel’ at the IIMB at 6.15 pm on Friday, followed by a comparative discussion on entrepreneurship in India and Israel.

Published 03 September 2015, 20:20 IST

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