
Pin potholes on Bengaluru map

Click on the '+' icon on the top right corner of the map below. If you are using your mobile, go to 'Options' on the top left and click on 'Add'.
Last Updated 16 October 2017, 09:56 IST

In two weeks, Bengaluru has seen five road deaths caused by potholes. 

We at Deccan Herald aim to mark every single pothole on the Bengaluru map and draw the BBMP's attention to them. 

Potholes are a threat to the life and limb of citizens.

We have already marked some spots and are throwing open the map to our readers.

Go ahead and pin pothole locations on the map here.

Click on the '+' icon on the top right corner of the map below. If you are using your mobile, go to 'Options' on the top left and click on 'Add'. 

You can post images on the locations. 

If the map below doesn't load for you, it can be viewed   here.

Once the site is open, click on 'Additions' (top left corner), and choose 'Add Marker - Simple' to indicate the location of the pothole you have spotted.

Together, we will make sure every pothole is marked. And tell the BBMP to fix them.

(Published 16 October 2017, 09:42 IST)

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