
8 Facts about Morgan Freeman

Last Updated : 01 June 2018, 10:03 IST

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Moran Freeman quiz:

Fact 1: A TV series, African Americal Lives, revealed that Morgan Freeman's great-great-grandparents were slaves who migrated to Mississipi. Additionally, DNA analysis also revealed that he is, in part, descended from the Songhai and Tuareg people from Niger.

Fact 2: Morgan Freeman won his first, and so far only Academy Award in 2004 for Million Dollar Baby, which is also the name of a play that Freeman starred in. Freeman was earlier nominated for his roles in The Shawshank Redemption and Driving Miss Daisy.

Fact 3: Morgan Freeman has an extensive presence on the stage performance scene, having played Servilius Casca in Julius Ceaser and Gaius Marcius Coriolanus in Coriolanus among a multitude of other characters.

Fact 4: Morgan Freeman is an atheist-agnostic. In an interview with The Wrap in 2012, having said that humans invented God and that 'if I believe in God, and I do, it's because I think I'm God'.

Fact 5: Morgan Freeman has not only expressed his concerns at the declining honeybee population, he has actually gone many steps ahead and converted his ranch into a massive beekeeping project. He doesn't even use a beekeeping suit when he goes to feed his bees.

Fact 6: Freeman enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1955 after graduating from Broad Street. While serving, he worked as a Tracking Radar Repairman and rose to the rank of Airman 1st Class. He did this in spite of receiving a partial scholarship from Jackson State University for drama.

Fact 7: In The Shawshank Redemption, the man who is on the mugshot of a younger Reddington is actually Freeman's son from before his first marriage. His name is Alfonso Rene Freeman, and he too has a number of films under his belt.

Fact 8: Morgan Freeman has criticised the 'Black History Month', terming it 'ridiculous' and has said that Black history is American history. He also courted controversy by accusing the Tea Party movement of racism.

Published 01 June 2018, 10:03 IST

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