
Tsunami no match for human spirit

Last Updated : 04 January 2013, 21:08 IST
Last Updated : 04 January 2013, 21:08 IST

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Disaster movies have the unique ability to let you into the lives of survivors, what they went through and how and whether they came out of it. This one is no different.

The Impossible is based on a true life story of a Spanish family, the Belons, who were holidaying in a Thai resort when the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami struck.

The movie completely focuses on the struggle of this family alone. Although there are a few side stories of other victims, a few more would have given a stronger feel of the extent of the disaster.

Maria (Naomi Watts) and Henry (Ewan McGregor), along with their three young boys (eldest son Lucas played by Tom Holland), are on a holiday in Thailand when disaster strikes.

The huge wave that comes with a loud whistle and gust lashes the shore and strews them all around. Luckily, Maria and Lucas find and help each other out to safety. But where is the rest of the family?

Naomi Watts and Tom Holland deserve great credit for they have truly lived their roles. The mother-son duo endures the pain and shares their strengths during the worst time of their lives. 

Elements like the camps for orphaned children, hospital overflowing with survivors and temporary tents erected for victims leave a lasting impression of misery and loss. Although, in the Thai hospital, it makes it unbelievable to see that foreigners outnumber the locals. Post-disaster, the aerial view of the shore and the calm sea adjacent to it pose a striking contrast.

The Impossible has done a great job in showing the emotions that run through every member of the family through the calamity, although the disaster is not shown well enough.

Published 04 January 2013, 20:58 IST

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