

(Sept 20th to Sept 26th)
Last Updated : 19 September 2020, 20:15 IST
Last Updated : 19 September 2020, 20:15 IST

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Aries: The coming week is all about feelings for the Aries-born individuals. You could be
quite sensitive to what others say. Your needs for love, affection and security also are
markedly increased. There could be some old wound that resurfaces and troubles as friends
discuss a controversial issue. There will be a greater urge to seek out company of wise
men/mentors to find relief from mental agony. There is increased interest in spirituality.

Taurus: The individuals born under the sign of Taurus need to be more conscious and
aware in certain relationships. These, especially the ones you may have taken for granted,
definitely need acknowledgement. There will be gratitude for supportive people around you.
You may however feel fatigued and may desire solitude to introspect. You will be drawn
towards charity work or community service. It will help to seek moderation in all your
activities. Extreme involvement in one area only will affect other sectors.

Gemini: The Gemini-born folk need to be a little more perceptive and wary. There will be
success, monetary gains or a new job offer, which may make you happy and may throw you
off-guard. You need to be prudent with your finances and be aware what you commit to and
where you put your signatures. There may be development of interest in a new hobby or a
new area of work. Some discipline in eating habits will help a great deal with health.

Cancer: There could be welcome developments at work for the Cancer-born individuals. You
function with greater enthusiasm and focus. Somehow, there is success when you are kind
and patient. You need to be careful about your own expectations from self, vis-à-vis family
and loved ones. If you fall short by your own standards, begin with being kind to yourself
and avoid getting upset at people around. You may have to sort financial matters with a
tough negotiator.

Leo: It's a good week for the Leo-born folk. You may initiate a new venture or tie up with a
larger firm to execute a big project. It will be a good idea to set a routine and tie up the
loose strings, without delay. You may try to goad people around you to cooperate and work
within a structure. Don't get frustrated as people are different and work in ways comfortable
for them and at their pace. Rushing them at this juncture will beget errors and disagreements. Some money comes in towards the end of the week.

Virgo: The situation is about to change for the better for Virgo-born individuals. You have
been hovering in the shadows for a while, it will be soon that you could be asked to get
involved with a big project/aspect of work. An association with a big-wig is likely. It may
seem daunting at first, but pull yourself together and give it your best. There will be a
definite increase in the people interaction that you have. You could be entertaining a few
guests too. Try to keep spending within reasonable limits.

Libra: There is a tendency for the Libra-born individuals to slip into a lazy routine when you
are not really accountable to anyone. The key to progress in this phase is discipline, give
yourself enough time to relax, but catch up with the work that has accumulated due to postponing. You could be upset with some colleagues at work, but handle issues tactfully. Displaying temper or displeasure will not get it sorted.

Scorpio: The individuals born under this sign of the zodiac are likely to be faced with a
challenge — an event in this week could take a toll on you emotionally as it shows the real
side to a close person you may not have expected. Secrets can cause more damage than
you imagine. Take strength from loved ones, share your feelings with someone you trust
and spend time in prayer. You may need to take some tough decisions in order to safeguard

Sagittarius: There is good news for the Sagittarius born folk — there is some development
professionally. You have an important meeting or get connected to someone influential and
a new opportunity for a lucrative deal appears. You are able to connect emotionally with those
you interact with. Your empathy and fair judgment add to your incisive understanding of the
situations and needs, raising your popularity and reputation. If you are looking to purchase
a home or a property, the dream may manifest soon.

Capricorn: The coming week is a time when the Capricorn-born folk are uncertain as well
as edgy. Take time before you react to any criticism/feedback, you or your work receives.
Take all that is good and that can improve your work and dismiss the rest. One cannot
please everyone. Fear could make you respond differently than you would like. You also
need to be careful about who you repose your trust in. It will be better to take some time
off in silence.

Aquarius: There will be some extraordinary events occurring this week for the Aquarius-born folk. More so, as you are spurred to do something dramatic — routine gets to be quite
boring and you need something to refresh your mind. There is success indicated for those
engaged in academic pursuit. There will be a small break, an outdoors activity that you treat
your loved ones to. Don’t go overboard with the adventure streak. There could be some
financial gain as a past investment pays off.

Pisces: The Pisces-born individuals need to tap into reserves of emotional strength in this phase. You are likely to be affected by your feelings for a particular individual. You can however bank on your friends and family to be there for you and lend support. There could
be indulgence in some big purchase. Try to keep a check on your expenses. Don’t take any major decision in this phase as you may be unsteady in focus.

Published 19 September 2020, 19:36 IST

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