
Leagues apart

Starry buzz
Last Updated : 25 July 2015, 18:44 IST
Last Updated : 25 July 2015, 18:44 IST

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While Puneeth Rajkumar’s name conjures up images of a superstar, a powerful actor, singer, host and more, he actually is an easy-going person who wears his fame lightly around his able shoulders and is extremely amiable in his conversations. Despite the fact that he comes from Dr Rajkumar’s family and has an impressive lineage in films, not once in the course of the conversation did I feel I was speaking to a big star.

We start our conversation with his latest movie Rana Vikrama, which has been ruling the box-office setting many records, and the actor is naturally happy. “We work hard on every film and obviously want for it to do well so I am glad that the audiences liked it and by God’s grace the movie did really well.” He is currently working on two films and says that he is busy working on two sets. “Doddmane Huduga is co-written and directed by Soori and this is our third film together and I am cast opposite Radhika Pandit. The cast of the movie is wonderful and I am working with Ambareesh, Sumalatha, Bharathi Vishnuvardhan and many other actors, so it’s a strong team. The other movie is being directed by a Chennai-based director and is not titled as yet.”

And the best part is that Puneeth is shooting for both these films simultaneously and says that the directors and the teams are well organised and give him no stress at work. However, the actor is clear that he does not want to talk about his role when the movie is still being filmed and only says he plays the title role. So I ask him if he would consider a parallel lead with one of his contemporaries. “If the script demands it, then why not? I have already worked in multi-starrers with Kitty and Yogi in the past. In fact, it would be a pleasure to act in such a film with good technicians, provided the script demands the role.” He is also hoping to do a film with brother Shivarajkumar, provided both of them like the script and their roles. Again, he says that he chooses his movies based on the subject and the director’s prowess in being able to do justice to the script.

Family matters

With his nephew Vinay Rajkumar’s debut with Siddhartha, the third generation of his family is now officially in films and Puneeth is thrilled. “Vinay is like my son. He has always been close to me growing up, and even now he is close to my children. He is just one film old and if he wants my advice at any time, as his uncle, I am there to steer him in the right direction.” Likewise, Puneeth says that he does not think or plan too much and is happy to do a movie with Vinay if and when it happens. And what if his daughters want to become actresses when they grow up? He laughingly says, “They are too young. I never make too many plans and delve into details. I like to live in the moment and be happy. Life is not meant to be taken seriously and it is important to take each day as it comes.”

Changing times

Having worked for 13 years in the film industry, Puneeth says that while the industry has not seen many new things on the scripting front, technological changes are auguring well. “New technologies are ensuring that Kannada movies are on par with movies of any other language. Budgets are becoming more elaborate now and we are shooting in exotic locales as well.” In fact, Puneeth had made a statement years ago that he would work with a new director as well and adds that these days he asks a new director to make a short film of the film being planned. “This helps establish the quality and technical finesse of the filmmaker.”

With each movie doing better than the previous one, business in terms of numbers at the box-office is booming. The actor says it is a healthy trend. “Even though we own a production house which my brother takes care of, we have not really done anything in a while. But movies in general are doing well, and it is a good sign as this also encourages the actors to work hard and come out with outstanding films.”

Having been the host of two seasons of the TV show Kannadada Kotyadhipati, the actor says that while there are several offers coming his way, there is nothing that has perked his interest as yet.

Looking ahead

Apart from the two films he is currently shooting, Puneeth will also be seen in director Santhosh Anandaram’s (of Mr and Mrs Ramachari fame) next movie and says his hands are full. With so many films in his kitty, awards and accolades are not a long way off. The ace actor explains that while awards are important for every actor, he prefers audience’s love better. “I would say I prefer the reward from the audience as it is a stepping stone to move ahead. It makes me really happy.”
The actor also shares his fitness secrets and says he is always inspired by his father who remained fit till the end. “Even my brother Shivarajkumar is fit and my goal is to look one year younger every year. Physically, you cannot change the ageing process, but you can work on yourself. It is important to play a sport and eat right.”

His advice to youngsters who want to act in movies is simple. “Today I see most newcomers are well-prepared and groomed, which is great. I am also proud of the fact that they are extremely hard working. My only advice to them is to do good films as a good script is always the winner and it is important that one carefully choose the people one works with.” Here is an actor who practices what he preaches and continues to entertain.

Published 25 July 2015, 14:49 IST

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