
CBSE topper from Kerala on cloud nine after a call from PM Modi: Report

Modi enquired about his hobbies and asked if he wants to visit Delhi
Last Updated : 27 July 2020, 07:27 IST
Last Updated : 27 July 2020, 07:27 IST

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An unexpected call from Prime Minister Narendra Modi left the CBSE commerce stream topper from Kerala, Vinayak M Malil, elated, on Sunday.

“Sabash Vinayak, Sabash. How is the josh?” Narendra Modi asked Vinayak when he called to congratulate him on his Class XII results as part of the Mann ki Baat programme every Sunday.

“High sir,” the student of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyala replied. Vinayak scored centum in Accountancy, Business Studies and Information Practices, becoming the national-level topper of CBSE among the SC/ST category.

Exchanging pleasantries with the prime minister, he said that he has applied to Delhi University for higher studies and would like to pursue B.Com for graduation when Modi asked him if he wants to visit the capital.

A resident of Neriamangalm, Idukki, Vinayak told The New Indian Express, “When the results were announced two days ago, we received a call from a higher official saying that an important person will call me soon to congratulate me for my results. I got to know that Prime Minister Modi will be the caller only before connecting the final call. I'm truly happy and even lost for words due to excitement.”

He answered Modi’s enquiries about his interests and said that he plays badminton very often and had the chance to participate outside of his school also.

Vinayak’s father, Manoj Malil, a daily-wage worker said that Vinayak had unending support from his teachers. “He was enrolled in the school in Class VI and ever since he has been closely guided by his teachers. Other than the vacation period at home, he has always been at the school. Though we visit him often, it is the support of people like principal Stella madam which pushed him to achieve success," he said.

Published 27 July 2020, 07:23 IST

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