
IAC claims shoe thrower close to Gandhi family

Photos showing him with Sonia and Vadra released
Last Updated : 02 November 2012, 17:51 IST
Last Updated : 02 November 2012, 17:51 IST

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India Against Corruption (IAC) on Friday released photographs of the person who disrupted the press conference of Arvind Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan on October 31, suggesting his proximity with the Gandhi family. 

The IAC released 8 photographs of Jagdish Sharma in which he is seen standing close to Sonia Gandhi and Robert Vadra. In one of the photographs, he is seen with the entire family including Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Robert Vadra and Priyanka Gandhi along with her children. 
In another photograph, he is seen keenly listening to Robert Vadra. In some, he has been pictured with Sonia Gandhi.  
“He seems to be a close aide of the Gandhi family. Has the Nehru-Gandhi family descended to Khurshid’s level, where they would send goons to disrupt our meeting?” asked the IAC in a statement.
“In such circumstances, any attack on IAC activists would have to be presumed to be at the behest of the Congress, unless the contrary is proved,” the statement says further.
In the press conference, Sharma stood to question Kejriwal, why he and his wife, an Indian Revenue Service officer were not transferred from Delhi for 30 years. Some eye-witnesses also claimed to have seen him throwing a slipper at Kejriwal. Sharma was confronted by the IAC members and was subsequently removed from the scene following a commotion. However, Kejriwal invited questions from Sharma, but the situation did not arise.

Sharma, caught and surrounded by IAC activists and the media, claimed to be an “Aam Aadmi (a common man)” and “alone”, not backed by any one.

Published 02 November 2012, 17:51 IST

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