
Anganwadi in garment factory!

Children have no space to play or move around here
Last Updated : 19 December 2009, 17:58 IST
Last Updated : 19 December 2009, 17:58 IST

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This so called anganwadi has 25 students and the children almost suffocate inside this small room, which has hardly any space for the children to play or move around. Apart from this, all the commodities like vessels, toys, tables, chairs etc are also dumped in the same room.

Further, there is a transformer located in close proximity to the building and during last month there was a blast due to some problem in the transformer. Fortunately, no untoward incident happened due to the same.

Parents and the employees of the unit say that children should be shifted out of the factory unit because it is not safe to have children in the unit. They have even urged the Town Panchayat to take action at the earliest but nothing has yielded so far.
Though an anganwadi building was built by the Panchayat few months ago, it has not been inaugurated and given for use. The building was built at a cost of Rs 4.50 lakh.
Town Panchayat Chief Officer Shankarappa said that the building will be inaugurated within a week.

All in all the children are not fortunate to shift into a spacious building despite having one and the elected representatives and officials are playing with the lives of the little children, says a villager.

Published 19 December 2009, 17:58 IST

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