
30-year-old woman immolates herself over marital discord

Last Updated : 28 October 2015, 19:36 IST
Last Updated : 28 October 2015, 19:36 IST

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A 30-year-old woman committed suicide by setting herself ablaze over marital discord, while her husband, who tried to rescue her, suffered burns.

 The incident took place in Kumbalgodu in the early hours of Wednesday. The police said that the deceased, Divya Jyothi was married to Veerendra for around seven years. They were both employed in a garment factory in Rajagopalanagar and had two children.

On Wednesday, around 12.30 am, the couple started fighting and in a fit of rage, Jyothi went to the kitchen, doused herself with kerosene and set herself ablaze. Veerendra, who rushed to rescue her, too suffered burn injuries.

Hearing the commotion, the neighbours rushed to the house, doused the fire and shifted them to Victoria Hospital. Jyothi was declared brought dead while Veerendra is undergoing treatment, the police added.

The couple’s children were at a relative's house in Peenya when the incident took place. The family members are being questioned to ascertain the reason for the suicide, the police said. Kumbalgodu police have registered a case.

Published 28 October 2015, 19:36 IST

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