
Can't expect small hotels to have food testing labs: HC

Last Updated : 21 February 2014, 20:23 IST
Last Updated : 21 February 2014, 20:23 IST

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The High Court on Friday questioned as to how the Central government could expect small and medium hotels to have a laboratory to test the quality of food they serve to customers.

Hearing a petition by Karnataka Pradesh Hotel and Restaurants’ Association (KPHRA), which had challenged certain regulations laid down by the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2011, Justice A N Venugopala Gowda observed that even seven and five star hotels do not have the facility of food testing laboratories.

“How can you expect small hotels to have laboratories?”

Mahmood Paracha, the counsel representing Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), submitted to the High Court that when Indians abroad open Indian restaurants, they have to maintain the food safety and standards as per the law of the land and cannot compromise on quality. The Central government has brought in the regulations to ensure that quality food is served at restaurants.

Senior counsel Udaya Holla, representing KPHRA, submitted that it was not possible for small and medium hotels to have laboratories to test food quality as space available in certain restaurants is too less to have testing labs. The bench asked the counsel to submit an alternative plan to ensure the safety of consumable food. 

The counsel for FSSAI submitted that the best of the brains have gone in to making the Act and the standards cannot be lowered. The bench adjourned the hearing to February 28.

47 convicts jump parole

The Additional State Public Prosecutor (ASPP) submitted to the court that there are 47 convicts let out on parole, of which 30 are from Bangalore city. These convicts are yet to return to the prisons.

The ASPP said that necessary action had been taken and based on complaints registered in various police stations, the search is on to bring the convicts back.

Hearing a writ appeal, Justice K Bhaktavatsala and Justice K N Keshavanarayana directed the government to immediately bring all convicts on parole back to the prisons.  

Published 21 February 2014, 18:47 IST

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